Golden Wells freezer wear, The inner quilting section is manufactured using all layers except for the outer fabric, with all sections being joined together to make the inner jacket. The outer shell jacket is manufactured using only the outer fabric. The 2 sections are then joined at certain points at the edge of the garment with no seams passing through both sections, creating a garment that is fully insulated against the cold.
antifreeze Jacket
Golden Wells clothing construction The construction of the garment is key to its performance. In order to maximize the insulation capabilities of the garment it is made up of 2 separate sections; An inner jacket and a breathable outer shell jacket.
The inner quilting section is manufactured using all layers except for the outer fabric, with all sections being joined together to make the inner jacket. The outer shell jacket is manufactured using only the outer fabric. The 2 sections are then joined at certain points at the edge of the garment with no seams passing through both sections, creating a garment that is fully insulated against the cold.
•Color: Black
•Sizes: S – 4XL
A bag containing One pieces
( Freezer Jacket)